Wall decor & Modern art trends in 2021

In this post ill cover the new and most exciting abstract & modern art trends i think we’ll see more of in 2021.

We’ve barely started 2021 and it already feels like modern abstract art and wall decor in general is going to gain a lot of popularity this year.

Abstract art is known to be the expression of our most complex thoughts and emotions.

Some pieces will create a certain calm, while others may feature a myriad of vivid colors that bring life to any room.

2020 has been rough on all of us. Fortunately, The world will never be the same as it was in it’s pre-pandemic form. I, for one, can’t wait to see how this affects artists and what kind of new creative artworks and trends will take rise in 2021.

In this post i will cover the most exciting and creative trends in abstract art for the coming year (2021) based on my own work and experience and my connections with fellow artists.

Black & White (monochrome) wall decor

Black and white art seems to remind us of the fact that classics never seem to go out of style.

Since it doesn’t include any colors, Black and white modern art is more likely to be perceived as a classic, a timeless piece.

Having the knowledge that black does well on every other color, this trend can compliment your space no matter what tone you chose for you wall.

Black and white abstract art doesn’t seem to be leaving the center stage any time soon. Monochromatic art provides a massive amount of contrast to any decor, That’s something we can all relate to nowadays.

Although the black and white abstract art trend certainly did not start this year, I think in 2021 we are going to see more and more artists taking advantage of the great contrast between these two most basic and classic tones in their works and using this contrast to create amazing works of art.

More black & white artworks →

Warm colors in home decor and art

I guess most if not all us are going to spend more than enough time at home in the coming winter.

Art and wall decor featuring warm colors may be intended to depict different things and convey various ideas or emotions.

There is not doubt however that the addition of warm tones to any home decor style adds a “cousy” sense and makes our space feel a lot more like a home.

Warm colors in art seem to work well with darker tones, This combination can add a lot of depth to any space.

This year i hope to see artworks that are optimistic by nature and artworks that will help us gather our strengths as we rebuild the world and society as we once knew it.

Ocean, Water and blue tones in art and home decor

I know two of the things i missed the most in the previous year is the beach and the ocean.

There is nothing more soothing and calming than just sitting on the beach for a few hours before the sun sets and just watching and listening to the waves crash ashore. Taking in and making yourself one with the rhythm of the sea.

I think the pleasure of experiencing the ocean is something a lot of us can relate to, Especially this year.

I would love to see more artists using these amazing blue ocean tones in their work this year and i would also love to see more people featuring this kind of ocean hue artworks in their home and wall decor.

All living things are made mostly of water, Blue watery tones will surely add a very calming natural feeling to any home. Even if the subject matter is not the ocean itself.

Browse artworks by color →

Abstract line art / Modern line art

One art trend that seems to be on the rise in recent years are the different forms of line art.

This technique involves an abstract depiction of scenes using thin, concise and mostly continuous lines.

Even though we’re talking about thin lines, abstract line art can have a huge positive influence on any home decor just by being there.

Line art generates a sense of minimalism so it can be incorporated in complex home decor scenes, bringing them together and creating order within the “chaos”.

Some modern line art may seem “simple” to the untrained eye but great artists have the ability to convey very deep and complex ideas through the use of allegedly simple lines.

I really hope to see and create more of these inspiring line artworks in the coming year.

More abstract lines artworks →

Global influence & Places of great significance

We’ve come accustomed to travel freely around the world. It has been so long since any of us could travel freely to other countries. I think most people would say travelling is the thing they missed the most in 2020.

There is not substitute for visiting new places and experiencing different cultures.

Now, More than ever, It’s important to keep a reminder to our selves that the world is enormous, That there are a lot of different places and cultures out there.

What better way to do that then by bringing art that depicts places of great importance or other cultures into our home?

Some places and cultural symbols may remind different people of different things. Experiences you had in that place, The people you met, The emotions they made you feel.

If you can find an art piece that brings all of that to mind its definitely worth making room for in your home.

Abstract faces / Modern art portraits

One of the things that was rough for me this year was the need to limit my social encounters to a minimum.

I think our connections with other people has a great impact on who we are and how we feel.

Just walking down the street, Looking at all the different faces is something that a lot of people missed this year due to the global pandemic.

I hope this year more artists would create artworks that gives us the sense that we are not alone and remind us that there are others out there just like us.

Great artists can capture the entire essence of a person with a single artwork. In 2021 I hope to see more inspiring artworks that grants us a glimpse into the subjects soul just by looking at them.

Wellness & Healthy living in art

This year we had a lot of time to reflect on our life, our habits and they way we chose to conduct our day to day life.

I know for a fact a lot of people have decided to adopt a more healthy life style this year and i think its great!

I also know many people have decided to start doing things to actively improve themselves, Wether its physical workout, Meditation or any other activity that is done to improve your self.

I think this trend of “self improvement” and a healthy life style would also manifest itself in some of the artworks we’ll see this year.

Art has the ability to put us in a certain place mentally and i think art could and would be a great way to generate the right “vibe” we want in our home and help keep us on track with our goals.

Chaotic abstract & modern art

Most of us spent a lot of time at home this year. It can get pretty quiet and surreal between these 4 walls.

This year, I think we will see more artworks that depict chaotic scenes and emotions. I think it is important for us to be reminded that the world used to be a very chaotic places with a lot of visual and audible stimulations.

As you may have noticed, I love to create artworks that are full of shapes, lines and colors.

I love the way these kind of artworks allow me to convey an idea and i think this year more artists are going to use these chaotic kind of art for themselves.

Gold in art

Gold in art is actually a trend that has been going on for a couple of years now.

I’ve started to use real gold leaves in my art about 10 years ago when it wasn’t as common as it is today. Gold leaves are a very different material to work with when you’re used to working mainly with oil or acrylic paints.

I actually really enjoyed the creation process with that then new material and i believe it allowed to create artworks that convey unique ideas that were difficult to convey using other materials.

In the last few years i see more and more artists using gold in their artworks and i notice a lot of people are loving the gold tone in their home decor.

I think this year the gold trend is going to grow even more. More people will choose to add artworks containing gold to their wall decor and more artists will make use of this great, age old material and hue.

Gold has a very elegant look & feel to it and it goes well with almost any color. I for one love to combine gold with black and white. I think the bright “shiny” gold gets and even bigger “kick” on monochromatic peices.

More gold artworks →


These are the main trends in think will dominate the art and wall decor in 2021. I’m happy to invite you to checkout my online gallery for more original artworks.

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